Life Hacks
27 Unique Life Hacks That Will Change Your Life
Everyday we face different challenges and sometimes we face the same challenge day in and day out. Usually someone has found an easier way to approach these daily tasks and we are going to unveil those secret life hacks to you.
A life hack is a trick that someone has discovered to quickly solve a problem. A lot of these can be used daily and are life changers. They will get you more time back in your day and it’s always fun to let friends in on the secret life hacks you implement.
Keep on reading to learn about 27 unique life hacks that will benefit your life!

Tip 1 – Your Pot Of Boiling Water Will Never Overflow Again

Boiling water is one of the first things you learn to do when being introduced to the basics of cooking. It can seem to take forever for the water to start to boil, but once it gets going — it really gets going. Unfortunately, that can lead to it overflowing and creating a huge mess!
If this starts happening to you, don’t turn the heat down, instead grab a wooden spoon. Place the wooden spoon against the top of the pot and your pot will no longer boil over. How? Well the spoon pops the bubbles at the top before they can grow too big and spill over the edge. Genius!
Tip 2 – Handheld Sanitizer

It’s been hard to get our hands on wipes and sanitizing products lately. That’s why we were thrilled when we discovered this life hack – A Portable UV Light that sanitizes anything you wave it over in just 10 seconds. We tested a few, but our favorite so far is the Mobile Klean. We’ve listed the pros and cons of this brand below.
But first, a description of how this marvelous tool works. It uses the same UV light technology used in hospitals to penetrate and destroy viruses, bacteria and germs in seconds. It just needs a little bit of exposure to the light wavelengths to destroy the infectious bacteria. UV lightwaves are the shortest and have the MOST energy – that is why they can destroy germs that other lights can’t.
Pros of Mobile Klean
- Affordable
- Chemical-Free
- Fits in your pocket (handheld)
- Long battery life
- USB Chargeable
- Good quality (sturdy)
- Safe on electronics (our cellphones are often dirtier then public toilet seats)
- 50% off this week through this link
- Sometimes out of stock – but they currently have a supply
- My coworker keeps acting like he’s Obi-Wan Kenobi and waving the Mobile Klean around
I have a Mobile Klean in my car and one at home. It just gives me that extra boost of confidence that I’m doing all I can to keep myself and my loved ones safe from germs.
Tip 3 – Cellophane Travel Cup

Ever wanted to have something similar to a fastfood cup with your big drink cups from home but every time you did the liquid would spill out on you or the car? There’s an easy fix. If you have any kind of plastic wrap or cellophane “paper” all you need to do is cover the top of your glass or cup with it and poke your straw through the middle. This idea is so simple and easy to implement, most folks wonder why the hell they didn’t think of it sooner. This works for just about any kind of cold drink, and it can save you from repeatedly buying fast food drinks from restaurant drive throughs as well as spending money on fancy thermoses.
Tip 4 – Faster Wi-Fi, Same Internet Bill

Your Wi-Fi is essentially a connection to your Internet gateway, typically a DSL or cable router in your house. The problem is that if you have a weak signal emitter, your Wi-Fi ends up being poor. Walls, thick materials and rooms tend to increase resistance. Boost your Wi-Fi with the RangeXTD and your connection speed will be as fast as your cable-connected computer at the router itself, regardless of how many walls are in the way. Check it out here.
Tip 5 – Sweat Before a Shower

Want to make sure your pores are totally cleaned out when you take a shower? Give yourself a good workout with lunges, pushups, squats and burpees. You will get the full cardiovascular benefit, and your pores with sweating will push-out the grit so you can wash it right off in the shower. It’s a better clean overall, and your skin will be healthier.
Tip 6 – Relieve Neck Pain From Home Office Setup

Your home office is probably not set up very ergonomically. Mine is a little short, I have to lean slightly to the left for the best view and I usually find myself hunched over. All of this leads to neck pain. About halfway through my work day, I put on Neck Relax. Neck Relax is a fantastic neck massager.
In technical terms, Neck Relax is effective by using infrared heat to increase circulation and direct oxygen/nutrients to tissues, using electro frequency stimulation massage therapy and using therapeutic ultrasound.
In action terms, Neck Relax soothes your muscles, stops spasms and nerve pain, and stimulates your tissue to encourage your body to begin healing.
It helped me, and I think it will help you too which is why I’m sharing it here. Now 50% off (and it will reduce your pain by over 50%).
Tip 7 – Get Meditating

You don’t need hours dedicated to meditation. A simple set aside of five minutes a day for focused meditation can help you relax and reduce your stress level by as much to 10 times. You will also realize better sleep, improved cognitive ability, and a sharper cognitive function thinking through problems.
Tip 8 – Stop The Incessant Barking

Your lovely, cuddly pup might be your new (and only) coworker. This definitely has it’s perks – someone to look at you adoringly, a fuzzy head to kiss on your way to the kitchen (w/o any strange looks from HR), BUT, your pups incessant barking that only happens during an important meeting might be driving you crazy. Try BarxBuddy.
BarxBuddy uses a high-pitch noise only your dog can hear to get their attention, stop the barking immediately and then you can follow it up with positive reinforcement. BarxBuddy is always recommended by trainers because it is easy to operate, safe and harmless for both dogs and humans, and very effective in training your dog.
Tip 9 – Crazy Kids With Glue, Shoes and Coins

Kids need fun, wacky things to keep them entertained. So why not let them glue coins to their shoes? What? Are you nuts? Hey, it’s silly fun that costs about nothing, and your kids might get a kick out of it for a day. Little kids tend to love this idea and the clicky sound their shoes make afterwards. Just don’t let them slide on the tile. Bad things happen.
Tip 10 – Salons Closed? No Problem

It’s hard to get a pedicure right now, but for some of us it’s even harder to cut our toenails ourselves. The angle is not natural anyway you try it – bringing your foot up toward your hand or your hand down toward your foot – both are equally hard. Thankfully the ClipperPro toenail clipper was invented to make doing your nails at home a lot easier. The head of the clippers swivels to make cutting your nails effortless.
Tip 11 – Homemade Deodorizer

If you’ve got basic sliced bread and vinegar, then you have the materials for a homemade deodorizer. This is a great way to kill smells in your garbage can before it gets full. Just take a piece of bread, soak it with white vinegar and toss it in the garbage can. The odors from the can will be killed and gone (vinegar fumes kill bacteria), and your garbage can take more instead of you having to empty in the middle of the cold night. The trick works for deodorizing the can after you’ve dumped it to get rid of latent smells too.
Tip 12 – Kill the Snoring

People snore more and more as they age, as well as when they gain weight. And that disturbance will damage deep sleep both for the snorer as well as any partner sleeping with him or her. CPAP machines are the typical remedy from a medical perspective, which involves pressurized air forcing the nasal passages to stay open while sleeping. That said, the wristwatch-style Sleep Connection device causes the body to reposition while sleeping which interrupts the snoring habit and kills the noise-making. Try it by finding out more at this link: Sleep Connection.
Tip 13 – Lunch Prepping

Working at home may not be like being at the office trying to figure out how to warm up a sack lunch or figuring out where to go get some food on your break, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy pre-made meals. Just find about an hour on Saturday or Sunday and prep your lunches for the rest of the week, or least the next three days. It will save you time in the week, and you’ll get to spend your lunch actually having a break instead of working half of it to prepare a meal.
Tip 14 – Anti-Germ Bedding

We all like clean sheets to sleep in, but bedding that also actively keeps germs and bad smells from getting into your bed is a double-plus. Cotton and similar tend to absorb things, especially off of us, which ultimately ends up making them smell bad and needing to be cleaned. Miracle Sheets, however, use silver ions that kill any organic stuff like bacteria and microbes, which add to odors and germ risks. Check them out yourself here: Miracle Sheets. Your blacklight might end up being obsolete with them.
Tip 15 – Lemon Water

Your body is dehydrated when you first wake up, so water is a good thing. Add some fresh-squeezed lemon into it, and your body gets a natural boost of fruit sugar as well as zest as it absorbs that water quick, usually in about 20 minutes. You also get the benefit of Vitamin C as lemon is a citrus fruit.
Tip 16 – Fend of Mosquito Bites

Don’t worry. As soon as the weather warms up again, the mosquitos will be back. However, you might be able to avoid getting bit by them this year. If you use the Buzz B-Gone any local mosquitos will get killed before they get to you. The device uses a UV light to bring the insects in, and then it zaps them. Dead mosquitos don’t bite. Find out more here: Buzz B-Gone.
Tip 17 – Toilet Cleaner

You don’t need to spend big bucks on cleaning product to get your toilet looking sparkling again. Just mix in ¼ cup of water with a similar amount of baking soda and a ¼ cup of dish soap. The mix will break up crud, eat away at oils and dissolve stains. Let it sit for the night and then check out the toilet in the morning after a flush. Dish soap works really well on clogs too. Pour a cup of dish soap in and let it sit. Then come back in 30 minutes with a container of hot water and pour in. The clog will dissolve.
Tip 18 – Saving Memories

Trying to keep digital memories and photos organize can be a pain, but losing them can be a lot worse. With the InfinitKloud you back all of them up in one shot, and you always have a second copy separate from your computer. Get the InfinitKloud and a discount here.
Tip 19 – Onion Preservation

If your onions and garlic are going bad too quick, put them in a paper bag with holes in it. The paper absorbs off-gassing from the vegetables as well as allows air to ventilate. This reduces the deterioration effect of onions or garlic stacked together otherwise by months.
Tip 20 – Soles for the Body

Need some addition help for your back and neck? Try adjusting your shoe impact on your feet. Add in some MindInSole shoe soles, and you’ll realize a huge difference in how your body works with less walking impact. Trying them out by finding a pair here: MindInsole.
Tip 21 – Keep the Toddlers Asleep

If you like to check on your child while sleeping but the door keeps waking them up, then nullify the latch. Use a rubber band wrapped around the handles of the door, which then keep the latch depressed. You can then enter the room without making noise but keep the door closed when they sleep.
Tip 22 – Anti-Shoe Smell

Shoe odor occurs from our feet sweating and bacteria being left with the sweat in the shoe. Because shoes involve organic material like leather, the bacteria can survive for a long time, making them smell. Wash out the shoes if you can in the washer and then let them air dry. Then put in a deodorizer powder. Finally, put them in the freezer for a night. All three nullifies most smells.
Tip 23 – Socks Help You Sleep Better

Why do people curl up the blanket over their feet? They’re cold of course. And it makes for disturbed sleep too. So next time you go to bed, wear socks. Your feet stay warm, your body relaxes faster, and you go to sleep deeper.
Tip 24 – Spice Rack Those Baby Jars

Baby food jars are the ideal containers for your various spices. And they stack really well too. So, if you have toddler gobbling up goopy stuff for a diet, use those baby jars after cleaning them for your spices and dried seasoning. It’s far better than cheapo store containers and you can see the ingredients clearly when cooking.
Tip 25 – Headache Yoga

Headaches can really ruin a day lasting for hours before dissipating. Why wait that long? Use yoga exercises to change your blood pressure and allow your body to stretch. Yoga not only reduces your vascular pressure, it helps loosen up muscles, both of which contribute to headaches.
Tip 26 – Grow Constant Lettuce

If you’re the gardening type, add some lettuce to your backyard growing. Once it grows, all you need to do is keep tearing off the leaves on a regular basis. This will stop the plant from blooming and continue to keep producing lettuce. It’s a free, easy way to add lettuce to your diet on a regular basis from your own backyard.
Tip 27 – Recycle

If you go for walks a lot in your neighborhood you’re probably going to see errant cans, bottles and similar all over the place. It’s amazing how much people just throw these containers on the ground. So double-up your exercise with a bit of money-making. Get yourself a grabber stick at a local hardware ($10 usually) and use old grocery shopping bags as your container. As you walk, pick up the cans and bottles, crush them with your foot if doable and put them in the bag. At the end of the walk, tie the bag and put them in your recycle container at home. Then go on the weekend, recycle and get some money for them. Avid recyclers easily make anywhere from $250 to $300 a year recapturing recycling payments for cans and bottles. And if you live near a park, its an extra bonus, especially during soccer season and the summer.
Tip 28 – Is My Egg Too Old?

If you’re the tip that gets rid of egg cartons for space in your fridge, then you’ve likely run into the problem with having a few eggs left over and not knowing when they expired. There’s an easy test to find out. Simply put the egg in a bowl of water deeper than the egg. If it sinks, the egg is still good to eat. If it floats, throw it away. Eggs develop gas as they age and go bad. That gas inside the egg shell makes it buoyant. Bad eggs float while good eggs sink to the bottom. If your egg sits in the middle of the water, it’s borderline.
Life Hacks
23 Ridiculously Cool Gadgets That Will Be the Best Gifts

Complete Your Shopping TODAY With These Innovative & Deeply Discounted Gifts
We are here to help you find products that are unique, useful and awesome this holiday season. We curated a list of amazing new gadgets for you. These gadgets were developed by surgeons, researchers, parents, and engineering executives — some of the most brilliant minds developed these useful products.
Whether you are shopping for yourself or friends/family, you are sure to find something on this list of hottest selling products that will be a hit! Even better, most products are under $50 and currently offering deep discounts.
Hurry, with the current deals and limited supply, these products won’t last long.
23. StopWatt – Save Massively On Your Energy Bill

StopWatt is a revolutionary gadget that transforms the way we view electricity consumption, addressing issues of dirty electricity and skyrocketing energy bills. With its patent-pending technology, StopWatt stabilizes home electrical currents, significantly reducing bills by optimizing energy flow and eliminating wasteful spikes. Beyond being a gadget, StopWatt is a practical innovation that empowers users to control energy consumption, offering economic relief and peace of mind.
22. Miracle Sheets – Silver Ion Cooling Bed Linens
Did you know that after a week of not washing your sheets, they can harbor a staggering 3 million bacteria per square inch, surpassing a toilet seat by 17,442? Just think about those bacteria coming into contact with your skin and being inhaled while you sleep. This is where Miracle Sheets come in – a top-rated brand that incorporates silver ions to eliminate an impressive 99.9% of bacteria. Crafted from natural silver, these sheets put a halt to bacterial growth and offer a clean and opulent sleeping experience. Miracle Sheets seamlessly blend softness, comfort, cooling, and moisture-wicking qualities to ensure an all-encompassing, healthier, and more comfortable night’s sleep.
21. Keilini LightBulb – Fast and Effortless Security Solution
With the increasing rates of crime, security cameras have become essential. However, common issues like high costs, monthly plans, and complicated installations often present obstacles. Introducing the Keilini LightBulb Security Camera, which provides a straightforward solution. Installation is a breeze – simply screw it into any standard light bulb socket, utilizing existing wiring to eliminate the need for batteries. This affordable and feature-packed camera includes bright lighting, pan/tilt/zoom capabilities, 360-degree rotation, two-way audio, an alarm function, and full-color night vision. The user-friendly app is compatible with both Android and iPhone, ensuring a smooth and streamlined experience.
20. ChargeCard – Portable Charging Solution

Are you tired of the low battery anxiety when you’re on the move? If so, take a look at the ChargeCard – a compact, credit card-sized device that seamlessly fits into your wallet or purse. Despite its diminutive size, this powerhouse ensures your phone remains charged. A success story from Shark Tank, the ChargeCard quickly rescues your phone from the brink of low battery despair. With its convenience and life-saving potential in emergencies, this little gadget is essential for anyone who is always on the move. Slip it into your wallet, and you’ll never have to worry about running out of battery again.
19. Prepared Hero – Ensuring Your Family’s Safety

The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is a must-have for your safety at home. It’s designed to be easy to use and is a crucial addition to your kitchen, garage, or living space. Unlike traditional fire safety equipment, it’s simple and efficient. With a quick-pull tab, you can quickly put out small fires from cooking mishaps or electrical issues. Protect your loved ones and property by getting the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket – your first line of defense against fires. Equip yourself for emergencies and enjoy peace of mind, knowing you’ve secured your family’s safety.
18. NeckRelax – Say Goodbye to Neck Pain
Neck pain affects millions of people, whether it’s from physical labor or sitting at a computer all day. NeckRelax is a fantastic solution that uses deep infrared heat to relax your neck tissues and improve circulation. It’s small, comfortable, and offers different massage modes for specific needs. If you’ve been struggling with neck pain, NeckRelax can provide relief, making your daily life more comfortable.
17. Hajimari Boomerang Ball – Endless Fun for Kids
The Hajimari Boomerang Ball is a cool way to reduce your child’s screen time and encourage outdoor play. With its playful appearance, kids love it, especially because it glows in the dark. This high-tech spinner can defy gravity, float, glide, and climb through the air, returning like a boomerang. With vibrant RGB LED lights, it’s perfect for exciting entertainment. Kids can perform crazy tricks and have endless fun, whether they’re at home or playing with friends at the park.
16. Bril – A Toothbrush Case for a Clean Brush

Have you ever thought about the hygiene of your toothbrush? If it’s been sitting in your bathroom, it could be a breeding ground for bacteria. Bril, a toothbrush protective case, has a 360-degree UV light that kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria. Just place your toothbrush inside, close the lid, and let Bril do the rest – it automatically sterilizes your toothbrush after each use. With a single charge lasting over 30 days, Bril is suitable for every family member. Keep your toothbrush clean for better oral hygiene.
15. Synoshi Handheld Spin Scrubber – Revolutionize Your Cleaning Routine

Cleaning can be a tiresome chore, especially when dealing with tough stains, grime, and mold. The Synoshi Handheld Spin Scrubber is here to cut your cleaning time in half. With a simple turn on, its powerful spinning brush heads tackle the hard work, making scrubbing much easier. It’s designed for versatility, tackling stubborn stains, bathroom grime, soap scum, and more, with multiple brush heads for various surfaces. The Synoshi spin scrubber is waterproof and cordless, offering convenience and freedom while cleaning. Plus, it’s not just a cleaning tool – it’s a germ-fighting machine, eliminating bacteria for a healthier living environment.
14. BLX Ear Buds – Top-Notch Sound on a Budget
BLX Ear Buds deliver excellent sound quality without breaking the bank. These earbuds offer crystal-clear audio, come in a compact design, have a long-lasting battery, and are easy to charge. If you’re tired of expensive alternatives and want a budget-friendly option, BLX Ear Buds are the way to go.
13. Starscope Monocular – Capture Incredible Photos

The Starscope Monocular is a telescope lens that allows you to take amazing photos. With military-grade magnification, you can see for miles and capture stunning pictures. It’s high quality, provides clear and crisp photos, and is compatible with your smartphone. If you have nature-loving friends, they’ll be thrilled with this gift. And the best part? Starscope Monocular is currently offering a 50% discount.
12. Circa Knee – Say Goodbye to Knee Pain

Do you suffer from chronic knee pain? The Circa Knee was created by someone who understands the struggle. Thomas Blumel developed Circa Knee to combat his knee pain, caused by meniscus and tendonitis issues. This innovative compression sleeve helps with shock absorption, joint support, and stabilization, ultimately minimizing and relieving knee pain. It fits comfortably under your pants, making it a discreet solution for your discomfort.
11. MindInSole – Start at the Bottom for Overall Relief

Your feet are vital to your overall health. MindInSole is a shoe insole that provides a foot massage as you walk. These insoles use magnetic therapy and acupressure to relieve pain throughout your body. With 402 acupressure points and 5 magnets strategically placed for maximum pain relief, walking on MindInsoles for just 30-40 minutes a day can significantly decrease aches and pains.
10. BarxBuddy – Control Your Dog’s Bark

BarxBuddy is a fantastic gift for dog owners. It helps control barking, especially during conference calls when you’re working from home. It uses high-pitch frequencies to stop your dog from barking and is non-harmful to humans. Additionally, it can assist with other dog behavior issues like chewing.
9. Action Hero 4K Camera – Capture the Perfect Shot
The Action Hero 4K camera is a fantastic high-definition sports camera. It’s affordable, easy to use, waterproof, has built-in WiFi, and records stunning video and audio. Whether you’re recording your adventures or capturing special moments, this camera will not disappoint.
8. RenuBack – Improve Your Posture
Good posture is essential for your health, especially as people spend more time on computers. RenuBack is a comfortable posture brace that corrects your posture. It’s not bulky, so you can wear it under your clothes, and after a few weeks of use, your muscles will naturally remember to maintain good posture.
7. Blissy – The Pillowcase Everyone Wants

Blissy pillowcases are incredibly soft and smooth, made from 22-Momme 100% Mulberry silk. They not only make your sleep more comfortable but also reduce friction on your hair, preventing damage and keeping it looking great. They’re also great for preventing skin damage, keeping you cooler at night, and are hypoallergenic.
6. Laundry Masher – Detergent-Free Washing
If you’ve wished for a detergent-free laundry solution, meet Laundry Masher. This sphere contains nano silver ceramic beads that react with water to clean your clothes. It saves you from buying detergent constantly and eliminates bad odors, leaving your clothes fresh. It works with any washing machine and offers up to 200 uses.
5. Enence Translator – Speak 43 Different Languages

Enence Translator is a cutting-edge language translation device that revolutionizes communication for travelers and individuals in diverse linguistic environments. This portable device seamlessly breaks down language barriers, making it effortless for users to interact with people from around the world. It boasts an extensive language library, including numerous dialects, ensuring comprehensive coverage for various linguistic needs. The Enence Translator is designed with user-friendliness in mind, featuring a simple interface that allows users to input phrases or sentences for translation with ease. It can translate up to 43 different languages in real-time, making communication much easier.
4. Nuubu – Revitalize Your Well-being

Nuubu offers a unique detox solution that uses natural herbs like loquat leaf and bamboo vinegar. It promotes toxin removal through sweat glands, helping with fatigue and stress. With natural ingredients like vitamin C and tourmaline, it provides a gentle and healthful detox experience.
3. Miracle Smile – Polishes Your Teeth Like Magic
If you’re looking for a way to remove dental plaque and stubborn stains from your teeth, Miracle Smile is the answer. In just 10 seconds, you can achieve double the effectiveness of traditional flossing. This pain-free solution uses ultrasonic vibration to eliminate residue, giving you a dazzling smile without costly dental visits.
2. Splash Foam Cleaning – Germ-Free Toilets Made Easy
Cleaning a dirty toilet can be a daunting task, but Splash Foam Cleaning simplifies the process. Just pour it in, watch it foam up, and let it work its magic, eliminating grit and hard water stains. This powder reacts with water for a deep foam clean, leaving your toilet sparkling and fresh.
1. Tvidler – Safe and Effective Ear Wax Removal
Tvidler Earwax Tool is a practical and safe solution for maintaining ear hygiene and addressing earwax buildup. This specialized tool is designed to effectively remove excess earwax without causing discomfort or harm to the ear canal. With its gentle and ergonomic design, the Tvidler Earwax Tool allows users to clean their ears with ease, reducing the risk of earwax-related issues like hearing loss or discomfort. It provides a cost-effective and user-friendly way to maintain optimal ear health.
RangeXTD – Fix Your Slow, Annoying Wi-Fi Issues

RangeXTD is a handy device that can boost your Wi-Fi signal. If you’re tired of slow and unreliable internet, this is the solution you need. With dual antennas and a built-in speed of 300 Mbps, RangeXTD can handle multiple devices and streaming without buffering issues. It’s a one-time payment that can save you money compared to monthly fees from your internet provider.
Sleep Connection – Better Sleep Made Easy
Sleep Connection is a simple and affordable solution to snoring. This wristband, like a watch, uses advanced technology to detect snoring and gently prompts you to change position, effectively stopping snoring without the need for a large and expensive CPAP machine. It’s an amazing way to improve your sleep quality.
FlightPath – Enhance Your Golf Game

Elevate your golf performance with FlightPath Golf Tees. These unique tees can increase your drive distance by 10-20%. They are fully compliant with golf regulations and offer exceptional durability and precision, making them suitable for casual play and tournaments. They are designed to help you improve your golf game.
PhotoStick Omni – Secure Your Precious Memories

Protect your cherished memories with PhotoStick Omni, a compact USB drive that provides instant backup for your photos and videos. This user-friendly device eliminates the need for manual organization and complicated cloud backup services. Simply plug it into your devices, and it takes care of your memories securely.
Blaux Bidet – A New Approach to Personal Hygiene

Say goodbye to traditional toilet paper with the Blaux Portable Bidet. This innovative device uses customizable water sprays to ensure your hygiene without the need for toilet paper. It’s easy to carry and offers an eco-friendly and efficient alternative to personal hygiene.
Audien Atom – Exceptional Hearing Aids

Audien Atom is a discreet and budget-friendly hearing aid designed to improve auditory experiences. With a remarkable 20-hour battery life, these hearing aids offer comfort and near invisibility. Try them out and discover the transformation in your hearing.
Illumalyte – Innovative Headlamp

Experience a revolution in headlamp design with Illumalyte. This redesigned headlamp provides a sleek profile that doesn’t protrude or interfere with your surroundings. It offers powerful illumination, adjustable side beams, and five lighting modes, making it ideal for various tasks and activities.
Raptor 8k Drone – Lightweight and Remarkable

The Raptor 8K Drone allows you to capture high-definition footage without the high price tag. This foldable and lightweight drone is perfect for travel and social media enthusiasts. Whether you prefer automatic tracking or manual control, this drone empowers you to create stunning shots.
Peeps Carbon Technology – Superior Glasses Cleaner
Peeps Carbon Technology is a trusted solution for cleaning your glasses. This tweezer-like cleaner, used by optometrists worldwide, safely removes smudges and dirt from your lenses. It employs NASA-developed technology to provide a scratch-resistant brush, ensuring your lenses stay clean and clear.
Hilipert – Adjustable Reading Glasses

Hilipert reading glasses are fully adjustable, allowing you to customize the magnification for up-close and distant vision. These budget-friendly glasses are perfect for achieving clear vision for various activities. Adjust them quickly and easily.
MindInsole Compression Socks – Pain Relief
MindInsole Compression Socks provide lasting relief from foot pain and discomfort. These socks use a tri-level compression system to target specific areas of your feet, offering relief from pain, aiding recovery, and enhancing skin health.
ZQuiet – Stop Snoring and Sleep Better
ZQuiet is an FDA-cleared anti-snoring mouthpiece designed to eliminate snoring. It gently moves your jaw forward, providing results in as little as one night. Say goodbye to restless nights and wake up refreshed.
Hootie – Stay Safe Anytime, Anywhere
Hootie keychain is a safety companion trusted by thousands. It features a 130dB alarm and strobe light to ward off attackers and signal for help. Whether you’re out for a run or in an empty parking lot, Hootie ensures you’re never alone.
Pest Resister – A Safe Solution for Pest Control
Pest Resister creates an uncomfortable yet non-lethal environment for household pests using bionic, electromagnetic, and ultrasonic wave technologies. Plug it in to keep your living space pest-free without harming humans or pets.
Tac Right Mini Chainsaw – Convenient Yard Work

The Tac Right Mini Chainsaw simplifies yard work. This handheld chainsaw handles branches, stumps, and hedges with ease, and it has an impressive 6.5-hour runtime on a single charge. Its ergonomic design ensures fatigue-free operation.
Chill Pill – Natural Anxiety Solution

Chill Pill is a natural solution for anxiety that promotes restful sleep without the risk of addiction. It balances your brain’s neurochemicals, and it’s easy to use without the need for refills or doctor appointments.
BarxBuddy Busy Ball – Entertain Your Dog
The BarxBuddy Busy Ball keeps your dog entertained with motion sensors that initiate an automated game of fetch. It’s designed to withstand vigorous chewing and offers hours of fun for your furry friend.
Hale Breathing – Open Airways for Better Breathing

Hale Breathing opens nasal passages for efficient and comfortable breathing. It’s a discreet solution for dry mouth, snoring, and dark spots under the eyes, improving your overall well-being.
Karben Wallet – Indestructible and Stylish

The Karben Wallet is slim, stylish, and virtually indestructible. It offers RFID-blocking technology for security and is made from military-grade fiber. It’s a long-lasting and stylish wallet.
Airmoto – Inflate with Precision and Speed

Airmoto, the ultimate portable tire inflator, excels in speed and accuracy, making it a must-have for vehicle owners. With a quick inflation time of just a few minutes and the ability to reach up to 120 PSI, it ensures you’re back on the road swiftly. Its auto shut-off feature simplifies the process, so you won’t over-inflate or under-inflate your tires. Airmoto is versatile, offering pressure unit options, a large LCD, and a built-in LED flashlight for low-light conditions, and even a deflate button. The all-inclusive package comes with various adapters, making it perfect for cars, bicycles, and sports equipment. Its compact design and a powerful rechargeable battery further enhance its convenience. Airmoto is the answer to quick and accurate inflation for peace of mind on the road.
My-Happy Feet Socks – Step into Comfort

My Happy Feet Socks are the original foot alignment socks with toe spreaders that can change the way you feel from the ground up. These colorful wonders are designed to gently separate, stretch, and align your toes, reducing the strain caused by daily foot stress. By addressing the root cause of foot pain, improper toe alignment, our toe-spacer socks can put an end to those sore, achy feet. Whether you’re dealing with bunions, hammer toes, crooked toes, plantar fasciitis, or more, these socks offer multi-symptom relief and help improve circulation. Step into a world of happy feet with these extraordinary socks!
Keyzmo – Your All-in-One Pocket-Sized Tool Companion

Keyzmo is a 16-in-1 multitool designed to fit right in your pocket, making sure you’re always prepared for any situation. Crafted from sturdy, rust-resistant stainless steel, this versatile tool combines a screwdriver, closed wrench, bit driver, serrated edge, bottle opener, and much more into one compact handheld device. Whether you’re on a camping or hiking adventure or just need a quick fix, Keyzmo is your go-to tool, measuring a mere 2.76 inches wide, 1.15 inches tall, and 0.2 inches thick, with a weight of just 0.75 ounces. It even attaches to your keychain, ensuring you’re never caught unprepared. Keyzmo is the perfect gift for adventurers and handymen, and it’s TSA-compliant, so you can carry it in your pocket or on your keyring wherever you go.
Tenikle – Your All-in-One Tech Mount Solution

If you’ve got a pop socket, tripod, selfie stick, or computer mount for your phone, along with mounts for your tablet, camera, and more, it might feel like a cluttered tech jungle. The good news? Tenikle is here to declutter your life! It’s a versatile solution that securely mounts your phone, tablet, camera, or any other tech gadget practically anywhere, without blocking your camera, audio, or ports. With Tenikle, you have the freedom to position your device at any angle, and it’s small, compact, and super easy to carry around. No complicated setups, just immediate mounting.
Bondic – Your Instant-Fix UV Welding Solution

Bondic is the ultimate UV welding glue kit that can fix almost anything in a matter of seconds. With the power to bond plastic, fabric, metal, rubber, and wood materials together, Bondic is amazing. Unlike typical glues, Bondic stays in liquid form until you cure it with the included ultraviolet LED light, allowing you to mold, shape, and weld materials in ways regular glue can never achieve. Forget about the hassle of super glue drying out in the bottle or sticking to your skin and clothes; Bondic’s UV plastic repair kit won’t let you down. Once cured, its non-toxic adhesive epoxy is 100% waterproof, heat-resistant, and dries clear, making it perfect for a wide range of repairs. This complete kit, which includes a tube of UV resin glue, a compact ultraviolet LED light, and a convenient travel case, ensures you can fix virtually anything on the go. From jewelry and glasses to figurines and phone chargers, Bondic is your trusty companion for quick and reliable fixes.
ScreenKlean by Carbon Klean – Crystal-Clear Views

Experience the future of screen cleaning with ScreenKlean, powered by groundbreaking carbon microfiber technology, just like CarbonKlean Peeps eyeglass cleaner. This innovative dry-clean technology, also utilized in space by NASA to clean glass, effectively wipes away fingerprints from your tablet or larger screens. What sets ScreenKlean apart is its safety – it’s compatible with all iPad, Amazon, or Android tablet manufacturers and preserves any special coatings on your tablet screen. ScreenKlean leaves your tablet screen pristine and residue-free. With a sleek and compact design measuring approximately 3/1.5/.25 inches, it’s the perfect tablet screen cleaner, ideal for travel, purses, or pockets. Discover a whole new level of clarity with ScreenKlean!
StaySafe Fire Extinguisher – Your All-in-One Fire Safety Solution

When a fire strikes, having the right extinguisher can be a lifesaver. StaySafe takes the guesswork out of fire safety, offering an innovative and compact solution for a variety of fire types. There are different fires, and each one demands a specific approach to extinguish safely. StaySafe simplifies the process with a revolutionary liquid extinguisher that can eliminate common household fires, from electrical and cooking oil to textiles and paper. Lightweight and easy to carry, StaySafe is a quick and easy way to ensure safety, without the need to pull pins or check reservoirs. Compact enough to keep in high-risk areas, it significantly reduces fire hazards. Moreover, it’s non-toxic and leaves no toxic residue behind, making cleanup a breeze. Don’t take chances with fire safety—trust StaySafe for peace of mind in a lightweight spray bottle!
GuideLight – The Best Nighttime Lighting Solution
GuideLight is your go-to answer for stylish pathway and accent lighting that’s there when you need it. This smart outlet cover plate with built-in LED lights features an automatic on/off sensor, illuminating your way at night and conserving energy during the day. The long-lasting LED light bar shines for up to 25 years, eliminating the hassle of constantly swapping out unsightly, misplaced, or broken night lights. Perfect for various spaces, including hallways, bathrooms, bedrooms, and kitchens, GuideLight goes a step further by offering bright, dim, and off settings to suit your preferences. Plus, it’s now available for GFCI outlets, ensuring that you have the perfect lighting solution for your home. Illuminate your path with the convenience and style of GuideLight.
Bed Scrunchie – Make Your Bed With Ease
Tired of the nightly struggle with unruly, loose bed sheets that just won’t stay in place? The Bed Scrunchie is your perfect solution for a peaceful night’s sleep. This bed sheet holder strap transforms any flat sheet into a perfectly tailored fitted sheet, whether it’s for your regular bed, bunk bed, camper bed, or even a baby crib. With strong bungee cord and durable plastic clips, it’s designed to keep your sheets firmly in place, so you can finally say goodbye to twisting, turning, and restless nights. Whether you choose to machine wash or dry it at your preferred speed, the Bed Scrunchie will remain dependable, offering you the snug and comfortable sleep you deserve. Don’t let your sheets ruin your day; experience the Bed Scrunchie difference and enjoy a peaceful, restful night’s sleep.
GoDonut – Hands-Free Bliss

Phones and tablets are incredible, but they have one annoying flaw: they can’t stand up on their own! We’ve all had those moments when we’ve tried to balance our devices on random objects only to watch them tumble at the worst possible time. Luckily, there’s a solution – GoDonut! This universal balancing stand is a game-changer, securely cradling any phone or tablet, making it perfect for watching movies, following recipes, or anything you want to do hands-free. What’s even better, it’s pocket-sized, so it goes wherever your phone goes.
The Wand – Your Wine’s New Best Friend

This innovative wine purifier is here to rescue you from those dreaded wine-related side effects, like headaches, stuffy noses, and face flush. With The Wand, you can finally savor your glass of wine without the aftermath. It’s simple to use—just stir it in your wine, and its purification beads work their magic, absorbing up to 95% of sulfites and histamines. You’ll be amazed as those troublesome additives are trapped, leaving your wine pure and delicious. Plus, The Wand doesn’t strip your wine of its natural antioxidants, so you can enjoy its health benefits without the side effects. Wine experts agree that this little tool enhances the flavors and aromas, letting you savor your wine just as the winemaker intended. Don’t take our word for it—see for yourself how The Wand can make your wine experience even better!
iMemories CPA – Relive Your Special Moments With Ease
Imagine having a treasure trove of old family photos and videos hidden away in your attic. Well, here’s some exciting news for you! iMemories is a fantastic service that can help you effortlessly transform those cherished memories into digital format. All you need to do is pack up your photos and videos, send them to the iMemories lab in Arizona, and they’ll work their magic. You’ll get your original items back safe and sound, along with access to your digital files that you can easily share with your family. In just a matter of minutes, you’ll have a lifetime of precious memories right at your fingertips!
Cool Cura – Fe Fung Point Relief
CoolCura is a modern twist on an ancient technique known as Feng Fu ice therapy, focusing on the Feng Fu point at the base of your skull. This innovative neckband holds an ice pod in place on this special point and, in just 20 minutes, it can work wonders. It’s not just a simple cool-down; CoolCura can relieve stress, ease tension, and create a relaxed and euphoric feeling. It all started when our son had a panic attack, and ice on the back of his neck surprisingly calmed him down. This incident led to the creation of CoolCura. Besides relieving stress and anxiety, CoolCura naturally boosts your mood and can even serve as a natural sleep aid. Whether you’re at home, work, school, or the gym, CoolCura can give you the lift you need to face life’s challenges, and it makes relaxing at the end of the day a breeze. Experience the benefits of CoolCura for yourself.
WaterBear – The Top Screen & Lens Cleaning Solution

Tired of smudged screens and lenses? WaterBear has your back with its convenient and effective screen cleaning solution. These tiny patches stick to the back of your phone or camera, always ready when you need them and discreet when you don’t. When your device gets messy, simply peel off your WaterBear, clean your screen or lens in a flash, and stick them back for next time. WaterBear’s NASA-inspired nano-carbon blended material magnetically attracts and traps grime, oils, smudges, and spills, leaving you with crystal-clear screens. It’s perfect for phones, iPads, glasses, camera lenses, computer monitors, and more. Plus, with WaterBear’s silicone adhesive gel back, you can stick and peel repeatedly without losing stickiness or leaving any residue behind.
Kelvin 8 – A LifeSaving Tool
Meet Kelvin 8, the must-have multi-tool for every car, designed to be your lifesaver on the road. This compact and portable device unfolds into eight essential safety tools, ensuring you’re prepared for any roadside emergency. It’s your power bank with a hand crank to keep your phone charged, a seatbelt cutter, and window breaker for escaping dangerous situations, a flashlight, alarm, and SOS signal for calling for help and navigating darkness, an electronic strobe with magnets to enhance visibility and safety, and a 100-decibel siren to attract attention when needed. Whether you’re camping, driving, or at home, Kelvin 8 offers total peace of mind. You can recharge your phone anywhere, even with the hand crank, ensuring you’re never left powerless in critical situations. With no need for expensive batteries and its space-saving design, Kelvin 8 is your all-in-one solution for emergencies on the road.
Life Hacks
27 Unique Life Hacks That Will Change Your Life

You’ve been going about life the hard way – these unique hacks can help you. There are tons of life hacks that make your life so much easier. We gathered all the best hacks into one amazing list. This list of life hacks will make you smarter, safer, and more efficient at everyday tasks.
Keep reading to learn unique life hacks that will change the way you live!

Life Hacks
Crazy Home Tech Gadgets That You’ve Never Heard Of
The internet was first invented in 1960. Just over sixty years later, almost the entirety of our planet is connected to the World Wide Web. As an industrious and creative species, humans have been able to craft incredible inventions that fundamentally change life as we know it.
From Thomas Edison with the tin foil phonograph to Steve Jobs with the modern iPhone, there is seemingly nothing that we can’t create with the right minds focused on the task. In today’s conversation, however, we are going to be looking at inventions that might not make it into the history books!
Keep on reading to learn about 21 inventions that you just have to SEE to BELIEVE!

Life Hacks
33 Incredibly Useful Life Hacks
The ability to think outside the box and explore better options to execute certain activities is probably our most impressive traits as humans. Life hacks are a representation of this trait, and they basically help us get ahead of a particular problem, or to do something in a faster and easier way. You may call them tricks, shortcuts, or bypasses, but as long as they increase efficiency, maximize time, and even prevent injury, everyone needs to learn some of them.
Behold, some of the most interesting and useful life hacks ever: