Burnie, a city located in Tasmania, is known for its thriving population of little penguins. These adorable creatures have found a home amidst the business of...
In the wake of natural disasters, communities come together to provide support and aid to those affected. This is the case in Rolling Fork, Mississippi, where...
Emma Selwyn makes up a quarter of a theater group dubbed, Not Your Circus Dog, which specifically makes a point of incorporating members who generally have...
Doctors are trained to deal with the fact that the decisions and procedures they handle can, at times, literally be the difference between someone living longer...
When traveling, people continue to be shocked by how prevalent poaching actually is, even in this day and age. That was the case for Anika Puri...
Have you ever spoken too loud or yelled the wrong thing and didn’t mean it at the time, like in a crowded restaurant? Well, that’s what...
Leave it to a pandemic to practically change the way people live and work for years to come. While in some locations companies and businesses are...
The Big Muddy Lake in North Carolina’s Fort Bragg is home to the US Army’s first-ever floating solar farm. It was unveiled recently. Floatovoltaics are becoming...
When it comes to animals and breeding, the general public expects that nature just takes its course by instinct, and breeding happens on the natural. However,...
We’ve heard a lot about deforestation but a desert being transformed into a forest…now that’s unheard of. The delicate soil in sections of Oaxaca had begun...