Hilarious Airport Antics to Keep You Laughing

Travel opens the door to a plethora of opportunities for entertainment including comedy. Airports prove to be a ripe hunting ground for laughs. You do not need to look far to find something fun no matter what airport you fly through. People just being themselves can provide the biggest laughs.
As security lines grow longer and so does the number of hours it takes to make it through check-ins, every moment of levity counts. These photos show the amazing breadth of humor of which everyday people are capable. View this collection whether you need a laugh before heading to the airport or while you wait in line at the airport and keep your eyes open for your own comedic moments while in the terminals.

Sometimes you get the sudden urge to feel like a kid again while finding your luggage. I mean, they do call it a luggage carousel, so it seems this gentleman decided to ride his luggage like a merry-go-round horse. Hope he remembered to yell “Yeehaw!”

We all know the airport can be such an ordeal. It can take more than two hours just to make it from the taxi drop off to the loading ramp. This kid has had enough. She fell asleep on top of her parents’ moving suitcase. Pretty sure she weighs more than 25 pounds. Talk about a luggage fee.

I guess the Death Star was being serviced. I am sure the other airport guests thought the Emperor’s men were joking until Darth Vader actually walked up and everyone learned he really does sound just like James Earl Jones.

That moment when you step off of the plane and realize your adult child really is not yet ready for adulting. If his pajamas did not say it all, the sign drives it home. Let’s hope his mom has some Cheerio’s in her purse or a box of Count Chokula in her carry-on bag.

I imagine you would get numerous pesky fingerprints on those outfits after going through security. A shoe shine is one thing, but imagine the charge for an all body shine including your head. Robots need to look spiffy, too, though.

Maybe the airport air conditioner broke or he needed to wake himself up. This man has watched “Flashdance” a few too many times. He does get kudos for improv though. What a feeling!

This falls into the category of too much information. Whether she did real time or they meant it as a joke, while she probably is thrilled to be reunited with her family, she probably the signs are a bit too much.

It could be uncomfortable to have to pick up your parent from their honeymoon since that does imply they re-married. This also qualifies as oversharing though. It makes you wonder if they got questions about the mail order service though.

This guy is the king of the specific and the non-specific. He really wants to pick up Alice. On the other hand, he will also give a lift home to any random citizen. You must be a citizen though. Papers required.

After that tough, hard fought 28 days, you just want to get home, see your friends, put it all behind you and start over. Then your friend picks you up at an airport with a sign that advertises just where you have been. Oh well, maybe someone will know where the good AA meetings are.

Something seems to be missing here. Not sure, but I think the plane might have been delayed. At least everyone seems completely ready to board. They might have already lost their luggage.

Where is TSA when you need them? Someone clearly forget to explain to this person to place all of his items in the gray plastic bin before sending them through the X-ray machine. Also, guns are not allowed in the airport. Not to mention, he is supposed to walk through the metal detector. He is just doing it all wrong.

Some people look for people holding signs to pick up celebrities. While that might seem fun, you know it will be one of those days if you see a sign for someone picking up Godot in the airport. Also, beware of signs for Keizer Soze. That never bodes well.

Along the lines of not ready for adulting, this sign provides a clear sign that your husband cannot yet adult. Nor can he do laundry or dress the kids. The kids do not do their chores either. It is a good thing mom got home.

You have to look twice to know that this woman carries her beige, skin tone neck pillow outside her carry-on luggage which, in retrospect, might not be the best idea. It does make it look as if she wears her dress with a cutout for her buttocks.

TSA has really tightened security. Now you have to take off your shoes and socks. Empty your pockets. X ray your children? Wait. What? Pretty sure the humans are supposed to go through the metal detector rather than the X ray machine.

Airports can get really stressful. You can really lose your head if you are not careful. Of course, people do at times tell folks to shove it up their bum, but this guy seems to have taken it literally using some epic yoga moves.

This man knows how to handle lost luggage. The airlines often tell you it will probably come in on the next flight. Why not relax and watch the luggage carousel spin round and round? Get comfortable in your rocking chair and

We get peanuts and club soda when we fly, but the flight crews and landing crews get fresh bar-be-que and beer. That smoked brisket looks pretty good, but who is on the tarmac waiving the planes in for the landing?

So, there is really no humor in this sweet feline waiting on her fur parent to turn up, but every animal lover can appreciate its cuteness. What cat parent wouldn’t want their feline to pick them up at the airport?

Always plan for flight delays. This person has red eye flying down pat. Pack a pop-up tent in your carry-on luggage and you will have a cozy and private space to catch some shut eye without leaving the airport or needing to attempt to curl up in an uncomfortable chair. Do not forget your sleeping bag.

Here’s another great idea for flight delays. Pack a free standing or tie-up hammock like this serviceman had with him. Just cozy up with a book and wait for them to call your flight.

Sometimes you just cannot decide what to wear. Sometimes you cannot abide the extra luggage fees. These two fellows have the solution. Wear everything on your body. Sure, it might take a bit to make it through security, but this provides the perfect solution for those who just cannot decide what to wear on their trip.

If only everyone’s pets, er, children, were as well-behaved as that one cat. This poor mom has her two on leashes and it still does not help. She probably kills it at Twister though.

Not everyone sleeps on the conveyor belts. Some people get in a little workout. Who’s up for some rowing, mates? No canoe needed.

As The Police song goes, “Don’t stand, don’t stand, don’t stand so close to me.” Or to any signs on nearby railings lest you create amusement for all the Internet inadvertently. Pretty certain these guys do not moonlight as strippers.

One good turn deserves another, so Darth Vader also picked up his daughter from the airport. What a hard way for Luke and Leia to learn that they have a third sibling though. You have to wonder where Rebecca stands on the whole Empire vs. Rebellion issue.

His best friend is really sleeping on the job in more than one way. His buddy has yet to explain to this dear man the wonders of zoom. The magnifying glass does lends itself to certain assumptions of his age, but still one wonders if he has ever noticed what happens when he touches his touch screen.

If you have an emergency in this airport, quickly find the man from the photo above and borrow his phone. This airport must hope it is very safe because they do not even give directions to the next nearest emergency phone. Just do not have an emergency here as the sign directs.

This man has found the way to never mistake someone else’s luggage for his own. Perhaps it seems a little vain, but at least he has an easy time identifying his bag in the luggage carousel. Let’s hope he never shaves his head or grows a beard otherwise he will need a new suitcase cover.

This woman probably gets a wide berth in airports carrying this luggage. She also carries the custom photo suitcase, but her pose probably creeps most people out. It does make you wonder what yoga class she took to be able to pose for the photo in the first place.

When there is no good movie on and the airport WiFi sucks, you just have to entertain yourself. The conveyor belt traversing the terminals gives you ample opportunity to entertain yourself and others as these people did with their impromptu ballet rehearsal.

This Chinese airport provided the lest helpful, but most amusing sign. “You are here.” It is not a joke. This airport genuinely posted this sign as if the airport was a massive shopping mall map. Too bad it did not include the map making the statement rather a “duh” moment.

This airport warning sign explains it all in detail. While it may seem as obvious as the warning on a cup of coffee that the contents are hot, what is more disturbing than the sign is that someone behaved in a manner that required the airport to need to create it. I don’t know about you, but no one had to tell me not to stand behind a jet plane during its take off process.

It looks like they found all the lost luggage. While it may seem stuck at that one point of the ceiling, they really just need a crane to reach the upper pieces as people wander by and identify their lost suitcases.

Right up there with the cat waiting for its human, who wouldn’t want a dog who waited for the luggage for you? This Dachshund must be part retriever.

Not so much funny “ha, ha.” This one just makes you smile. If the rest of his unit gets to see this pic, they’re probably pretty jealous. Pretty sure, he does not mind following that order though.
Homeless Man Comes to the Rescue of Lost 1st Grader in Houston

A homeless man in Houston became an unexpected hero when he helped a lost 1st grader, who has special needs, find her way home. Six-year-old Serenity’s day took a scary turn when she disappeared during dismissal time from Lantrip Elementary School, located in Houston.
Serenity’s mother, Mercedes Polk, arrived at the school as usual to pick up her daughter, only to find no trace of her. School staff assured Polk that Serenity was somewhere on the premises, but as minutes turned into an hour, it became apparent that something was wrong. Determined to find her daughter, Polk began her search.
The assistant principal eventually guided Polk to a gas station a mile away from the school, where they found Serenity in a state of distress. The young girl, with tears in her eyes, recounted her attempt to find her family’s home, which is a 30-minute drive away. The situation left both mother and daughter shaken and terrified.
“Someone needs to be held accountable,” Polk expressed, reflecting the concern and fear any parent would feel in such a situation. The Houston Independent School District (HISD) acknowledged the incident and stated, “HISD is actively investigating the incident at Lantrip Elementary. Student safety is our top priority.”
However, amidst the distressing situation, a ray of hope emerged. Serenity pointed out a nearby homeless man, stating that he had come to her aid. Polk, acknowledging the homeless man’s role, said, “He did save her life. Something definitely would have happened to my baby. She could have got hit by a car, kidnapped, anything.”
This story sheds light on the importance of kindness and compassion, even in the most unexpected places. The homeless man’s selfless act underscores the idea that heroes can come from any background. The incident not only highlights the need for improved safety measures but also emphasizes the positive impact individuals can have when they extend a helping hand.
As the community reflects on this incident, it serves as a reminder that a simple act of kindness can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Serenity’s unexpected guardian angel reminds us all that compassion knows no boundaries, and that even in challenging circumstances, humanity and empathy prevail.
Baby Donkey Reunited with Mother After Kidnapping

In a heartwarming turn of events, a baby donkey named Moon has been reunited with her mother after a frightening two-week-long ordeal. Moon, who is only two months old, was taken from Miller’s Ark Animals in Hampshire, UK, causing distress to both the farm and Moon’s anxious mother. However, thanks to the combined efforts of the community and social media, Moon was located and safely returned to her loving home.
In the month of May, a devastating incident occurred at Miller’s Ark Animals when Moon, a precious baby donkey, was stolen from her home. The farm, which prides itself on its dedication to animal welfare and care, was shocked by the incident. Moon’s mother, Astra, was deeply distressed during the time Moon was away, as the two shared a strong bond, especially through nursing.
As soon as the news broke about Moon’s kidnapping, the team at Miller’s Ark Animals launched an extensive search effort to bring her back safely. They turned to social media, spreading the word about Moon’s disappearance and sharing her story. The posts quickly went viral, gaining thousands of shares and generating numerous tips and sightings from concerned individuals.
After two weeks of tireless searching and monitoring CCTV footage, the Miller’s Ark team received a breakthrough. Moon was discovered at an address in Buckinghamshire, a county located not too far from Hampshire. The farm was overjoyed and relieved by this positive outcome. The team quickly made arrangements to bring Moon back home to her loving family.
Upon Moon’s arrival back at Miller’s Ark, the atmosphere was filled with happiness and excitement. Moon, seemingly aware of the love and care surrounding her, displayed her joy by swishing her tail and eagerly seeking cuddles. The entire team was delighted to witness Moon’s contentment and well-being.
While Moon was away, her mother Astra faced challenges of her own. Without Moon’s nursing, Astra’s milk had dried up, causing further distress for the worried mother. However, the dedicated team at Miller’s Ark Animals immediately stepped in to help Moon and Astra reestablish their bond. Through careful guidance and support, they are assisting Moon’s transition from nursing to solid foods, ensuring her healthy growth and development.
Dog Rescued After Getting Stuck in an Arkansas Culvert Pipe

Dogs get themselves into the darnedest messes sometimes. Practically driven by their noses, dogs will follow things or smells into places they have no clue how to get out of. The normal reaction is to back up, but what happens if they go so far in, they can’t back up? That was the case for one canine who literally plugged up a drainage pipe.
Imagine being woken up by the racket of a backhoe grumbling its way into the Earth on the street next to you. That was the case for one neighborhood that found themselves looking out the window at a noisy racket first thing in the morning as the sun was coming up. Flashing fire engine lights also added to the mix, lighting the place up like a Christmas tree.
Bella Vista residents found themselves sitting in a front row seat watching a spectacle caused by a dog that went and wedged itself into a culvert pipe on one mild-mannered Bracknell Lane. More than likely, the dog was after something and was in such a hurry, it went head-first into the pipe without thinking about whether it could get through much less fit. So, once inside, the dumb dog got stuck and started whimpering and panicking up a storm. The dog’s owner was out early before the sun was up looking for his pet, heard the dog stuck, and called 911 for help. Firefighters arrived by 5am, and that’s when the circus started.
There was a bit of confusion at first when the fire engine arrived, as no one actually had a visual on the dog. As it turned out, the big puppy was deep inside the middle of the drainage pipe and wasn’t getting out anytime soon on his own power. That then meant the fire department had to enlist the aid of the town’s street department with earth-moving equipment.
Most times, dogs in a panicked state freak out badly and bite anyone near them trying to help or make contact. Instead, with a snack offered close by, the stuck dog was extremely cooperative and didn’t make a fuss as the firefighters worked to free it. On inspection, the pipe looked big enough for the young dog to make it through. However, deep in the middle, the weight of the ground had bent the channel tighter, and that’s where the canine got stuck.
Once rescued, the dog was back to normal, healthy and acting like nothing happened. Of course, the dog owner might have had a lecture or two about controlling his pet in the future as well as the cost of the rescue.
Coffin Builder Transformed Into Millionaire After Meteorite Crashes Into His Indonesia Home

Many people join long lines on a daily basis purchasing lottery tickets with the hope of being the lucky winner of some serious cash.
Others work tirelessly, but to no avail. However, for an Indonesian man, all he needed was a miracle from the sky, and he certainly received, albeit in a scary way.
A meteorite came crashing through his roof recently and in the blink of an eye, has transformed him into a millionaire.
The North Sumatraman who makes coffins for a living, has since sold the precious rock from the sky for Dh6,611,760.
When a meteorite that was recently sold for $1.8 million (Dh6,611,760) crashed through his roof, a humble coffin maker in Indonesia became an instant millionaire.
A meteorite worth about £1.4 million crashed through the roof of an Indonesian coffin maker’s house, making him a millionaire.
When the 2.1kg rock smashed through the tin veranda outside Josua Hutagalung’s living room, he was building on a coffin outside his house in the town of Kolang.
After getting over the shock of the noise, the 33-year-old dug into his garden soil and discovered the piece of space debris.
“The noise was so loud that it shook parts of the house. And after looking, I discovered that the house’s tin roof had collapsed,” he told Indonesia’s Kompas newspaper. “The stone was already warm when I raised it.”
Carbonaceous chondrite is an exceptionally rare form of meteorite that is believed to be 4.5 billion years old and worth about £645 per gram.
Mr Hutagalung told The Sun that he sold the meteor to US meteorite specialist Jared Collins, who then sold it to a US buyer, who is currently storing it at Arizona State University’s Centre for Meteorite Studies.
Even though the coffin maker has not specifically stated the exact purchase price, it is believed to be in the region of £1 million. Mr Hutagalung stated that he had saved enough money to retire and that he intends to establish a place of worship in his neighborhood.
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“I’ve really yearned to have a daughter, and I’m hoping this is a sign that I’ll be fortunate enough to have one now,” he said.
“My phone lit up with insane offers for me to jump on a flight and purchase the meteorite,” Mr Collins said. It was smack in the midst of the Covid crisis, and I couldn’t decide whether to buy the rock for myself or collaborate with scientists and dealers in the United States.
“I took as much cash as I could and went searching for Josua, who turns out to be a professional negotiator.”
The man who leads Indonesia’s National Aeronautics and Space Agency, Thomas Djamaluddin, explained to the press that such a big piece falling in a residential neighborhood was unusual. “The bulk of meteorites hit places far from human settlements, such as seas, forests, or deserts.”
The Shocking Realization She Gets After Spying On Hubby From Under The Bed
Trust is an essential factor in a marriage. Apart from a few partnerships, all unions should have a benchmark of integrity. If that doesn’t work, you can try, but it is still improbable.
An incident can spark a disdain between the two people, and the distrust can be strong enough to affect their relationship. When this wife began to lose faith in her hubby, she decided to test her hubby’s loyalty. She found out something she never wondered.