This story revolves around two lovebirds whose love life was full of hurdles. Janice Rude and Wilson Prentiss first met in 1962 when they were students...
Revolutions, some more unrest, a coup or two (depending on how one counts), and Egypt’s political crisis over the past few years have sent a message...
We all dream about a magnificent home. Whether or not we can afford our dream house is another matter. Celebrities though, have different needs and...
Dates grow on the Date Palm Tree in massive clusters. These sweet little treats can be found in warm regions throughout the world, including the Middle...
A few years ago, there lived a beautiful lady aged 30 years named Sydney V. Smith, but was well known as “The giraffe woman.” She made...
Haven’t you always wanted to be “that person in the photo”? Well, with the shots you’re about see just below, you can get a taste of...
On November 17th, 1997, something unique happened in Des Moines Iowa, which had never been recorded in human history. A set of Sextuplets (seven siblings) was...
One of the most important things that any prospective employee wants to know when they apply for a job is what they’ll be getting into if...
Spending a lot of money to improve your appearance through plastic surgery is a practice that has been common for decades. In many situations, people who...
Narcissists are people who are self-centered, arrogant, controlling, and manipulative, just to mention a few. Most of us think that our men are selfish and self-centered,...