Cape May County Zoo, located in New Jersey, has recently welcomed two new exciting additions to their animal family. The first is a female North American...
A simple note can sometimes carry a powerful message that resonates with us long after we first read it. Such is the case for Rose Farmer,...
In the wake of natural disasters, communities come together to provide support and aid to those affected. This is the case in Rolling Fork, Mississippi, where...
The Pookila mouse, also known as the Smoky mouse, is a small, nocturnal rodent found only in the forests of Victoria, Australia. These cute little critters...
On February 28th, 2023, the town of Wellesley, Massachusetts, came together to celebrate the 112th birthday of Herlda Senhouse, the town’s oldest citizen. The surprise gathering...
Sofia Akel, a writer and cultural historian, has taken it upon herself to ensure that reading is not a privilege, but a right for everyone. Her...
Australia’s endangered Booroolong frog has been the target of intensive protection efforts in recent years. For this unusual amphibian, there is finally some positive news after...
Flaco, the escaped zoo owl, has captivated the attention of people all over the world as he evaded capture for two weeks after escaping from New...
A bear was saved by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in northwest Minnesota in a heartwarming rescue. When a passing motorist noticed the bear, it...
David Balogun, a nine-year-old from Pennsylvania, has made headlines for beginning college so young. Balogun, who was born in 2013, was admitted to college after demonstrating...