Stunning Time Capsule Home Revealed When 96-Year-Old Seller Unveils Property.

Shopping for real estate is like opening a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get. When Gladys and Carla Spizzirri, two Toronto-based realtors, were hired to represent the seller at 148 Jane Street, they didn’t know what they were signing up for. However, after stepping into the building, they were blown away by what they found. Instead of a 100-year-old home in need of repair, they ended up finding a living time capsule.
Life of a Real Estate Agent

Working as a real estate agent can be riveting or boring, depending on whom you ask. Most real estate agents get called in to help move your average home. The homes are mostly run of the mill and ho hum. When Gladys and Carla Spizzirri were contacted by an elderly woman named Joyce, in Toronto, they assumed that a similar process would play out. If you keep on reading, you will quickly learn that this was anything but the case!
Selling Property In Toronto

Toronto’s housing market is almost always booming. Toronto is the capital of Ontario as well as the largest city in all of Canada. As a cultural hub, Toronto is considered an international destination for art, food, and business. With a high quality of life, people are always looking for a place to live in a nice neighborhood.
Meet Our Real Estate Agents

Before we learn more about Joyce and her fascinating home, let’s take a moment to introduce Gladys and Carla Spizzirri. Both sisters and real estate agents, Carla and Gladys had been working in the Toronto market for years. While they weren’t considered a real estate team, the Spizzirri sisters decided to stick together when they were contacted by Joyce. In all of their years in the real estate industry, they had never come across a home like this!
The Iconic Property

Here we see the iconic home at 148 Jane Street. With a relatively inauspicious exterior, there is really no hint as to what is inside of the building. Fortunately for us, Gladys and Carla had stumbled across something quite magical. Instead of this property being overlooked by the world, their work would bring Joyce’s incredible home, and story, to people everywhere.
A Time Capsule Home

In the real estate world, there are all kinds of different homes. You’ll run across properties that are completely updated, you’ll find retro homes, you’ll even find homes that are soon-to-be-condemned due to their structural integrity. What Gladys and Carla had stumbled across was a time capsule home. Incredibly rare and extremely exciting, very few realtors get to come across these properties. We’ll get more into this later, so keep patient!
Reasons For Optimism

When talking to potential clients, real estate agents know not to get excited too quickly. Many sellers end up backing out of the process, especially elderly homeowners who don’t need to get rid of their property. Still, Gladys and Carla were feeling pretty good. Joyce had reached out to them and that had to mean something!
Meet Our Protagonist, Joyce

Meet Joyce, the 96-year-old woman who created this wonderful story. Joyce and her husband had purchased the property on 148 Jane Street as a wedding gift, over seventy years ago. The couple would live their entire lives inside of the home, so it obviously was a very important place to them. Deciding to sell the house was a big deal. All of a sudden, the Spizzirri sisters realized that they were selling something dear to Joyce’s heart.
Growing Area of Toronto

Despite how important the home was, Joyce knew that she was ready to move on. After revealing the location of the property, the Spizzirri sisters were overjoyed. As we mentioned before, Toronto has long been a world-class city to move to. Additionally, Joyce’s home was located in a region of Toronto that had become very trendy. Carla and Gladys knew that they could help Joyce to get a great price.
Deciding to Sell

After talking further with Joyce, the homeowner revealed that she was ready to ‘retire’ and ‘move to Florida’. While Joyce dearly cared for the home, she admitted that it was time to be close to the rest of her family. Besides, at 96-years-old, she felt like she deserved to take it a little easier. What could Carla and Gladys say to that?
Seeing the Home in Person

Now, our story takes off. Gladys and Carla arrived in front of 148 Jane Street on their momentous day. Ready to photograph the property for the listing, they made their way to the front door of the home. What would they find inside of the property? Would the building be decrepit inside? Was Joyce secretly a hoarder? Was the home actually a complete mess?
Managing Their Expectations

While Joyce had sounded strong and confident on the phone, the realtors knew that there could be any number of ways that this sale could be derailed. While they were sitting on a potentially huge sale, they knew that real problems could still manifest. What if Joyce changed her mind? What if they couldn’t agree on a price point?
Confidence From Joyce

Despite their initial skepticism, the Spizzirri sisters drew optimism from how Joyce comported herself. Clearheaded and ready to get the sale done, Joyce was an anchor throughout the entire sales process. With nothing to lose and nothing left to do, the Spizzirri sisters took a deep breath before entering the home.
Walking Into the Foyer

As you can see, upon stepping into the home, the Spizzirri sisters were blown away. Far from some sort of hidden disaster, Joyce’s home was pristine. The entrance to the property felt like a portal to the past. Suddenly, Gladys and Carla were standing in a beautiful new home from the 1950s.
Incredible Themed Rooms

As Gladys and Carla began their tour of the property, they were blown away by what they saw. Joyce had taken time to give each room in the home a unique theme. From beautiful pink curtains to the accented wallpaper, Joyce had made sure that every little detail was perfect. How could you not love what you saw?
Authentic Antiques In Every Room

While making a theme room was impressive, Joyce took her interior design skills to the next level. Each room was filled with the original home decor that she had purchased over fifty years ago. The home was a museum, a time capsule, and an antique-filled wonder.
Beautifully Preserved Dining Room

Here we see an extension of Joyce’s talents as a housekeeper. This beautifully preserved dining room looks exactly like it did fifty years ago. Could you see yourself sitting down for a relaxing dinner here? From the beautiful decor to the hanging chandelier, we can’t help but be impressed by Joyce’s work.
Purple Theme Brings Nostalgic Dreams

As the realtors continued their tour of the home, they came to realize that they had walked into something quite special. This beautiful purple-themed room was another extension of Joyce’s artistic design talents. Each room had a unique personality that set it apart from the one beside it.
Joyce Reveals Her Career Passion

Speaking of beautiful antiques, Gladys and Carla were knocked off of their feet by this gorgeous dining room. The Spizzirri sisters would soon learn that Joyce had a passion for interior design. Joyce had grown to love designing and maintaining her home. It was clear to see that she was meticulous and thorough in her approach!
Heading to the Basement

As the Spizzirri sisters toured the property, they came to appreciate and grow concerned by Joyce’s design choices. While Joyce had done an incredible job in each room, the house had an overwhelmingly feminine feel to it. This all changed when they went to the basement. Joyce revealed that her husband allowed her to go wild designing the house, so long as he could have the basement. Even after he had passed away, she preserved how he had kept his favorite room.
Home Filled With Memories

When Joyce and her husband had first moved into the property, they were young newlyweds. Now, 70+ years later, Joyce was looking to leave the home for the last time. Such a momentous occasion was surely weighing on Joyce’s conscience. Despite how much love she had for the home, she still knew that it was the right time to move on from 148 Jane Street.
Stepping Outside to Think

Here we see the picturesque backyard of 148 Jane Street. Not confined to the interior of the home, Joyce had showcased her design talents outside, as well. The backyard was cozy to be sure, but it was meticulously groomed and as adorable as ever. Could you see yourself relaxing out here?
Touring the Bathroom

After taking a brief respite, the tour had to continue. Here we see one of the guest bathrooms in the home. From floor to ceiling, Joyce had spared no expense when it came to designing her home. It is easy to see how she could fall in love with the property for so long. What do you think? Would you be willing to live in a 50’s era home?
Elaborately Themed Living Room

By this point in time, Gladys and Carla knew that the home was going to be easy to sell. Their concerns over a potential disaster were pretty much put to rest. Joyce clearly respected her property and had made sure to take care of it. After all, she had been living in this home for almost one hundred years and it was still in great condition. So why were the Spizzirri sisters still hesitant to celebrate?
Home Inspection Worries

As it turns out, old homes have trouble passing modern inspections. Often, older homeowners simply forget to perform the updates that are required to ‘meet code standards’. When this happens, costly repairs and upgrades are required for the property to be sold. While the realtors were happy with what they saw around them, they were worried about what they couldn’t see!
Dealing With Doubt

While the inspection was still looming, the realtors had to put a price tag on the home. After detailing similar listings around the area, the Spizzirri sisters settled on a price of $968,000. Suddenly, Joyce’s dream home looked like an amazing investment. Not only was Joyce going to be rewarded for her hard work, but she was also going to become a millionaire as a result!
Good News on the Way

Despite their concerns over the inspection, Gladys and Carla plunged on with their work. As they would soon find out, their worry was for nothing. The house passed its inspection with flying colors. The inspector even noted that Joyce had done a fantastic job at keeping the property in good condition.
Posting the Listing Online

With the inspection approved and a sale price settled on, Carla and Gladys took their listing to the internet. It wouldn’t take long for 148 Jane Street to start making some noise online. The listing quickly went viral and suddenly potential buyers were pouring in from all over the place. People were stunned and impressed by Joyce’s story and her love of the property.
Making the Hard Decisions

Now that a potential sale was on the table, Joyce had to give her final approval. This was the final test that had to be passed in order for 148 Jane Street to find a new owner. After having lived in the home for 70+ years, Joyce was ready to move on. Instead of wrestling with the decision, Joyce decided to stick to her guns. She was ready to rejoin her family in Florida but before she did, she wanted to look at her old room again.
Visiting Joyce’s Bedroom

For her own bedroom, Joyce had settled on purple as the primary color theme. It is easy to see how she could fall in love with the property. Joyce’s bedroom featured a unique wall-mounted dresser as well as a massive closet. Did we mention that she even had her very own master bathroom?
Home of Many Memories

While we can look at Joyce’s bedroom and be impressed by the condition, Joyce doesn’t see the property the same way. For Joyce, each home possessed decades worth of memories regarding the people she loved and grew up with. The house was a time capsule for Joyce. Each room meant something special and had been there during an important time of her life.
Master Bathroom in Great Condition

Though Joyce cherished the memories that she had made in the property, she was still ready to move on with her life. Instead of being saddened by the sale, it became easy to be impressed by what she had accomplished. Here we can see Joyce’s private bathroom. The unique counters and large bathtub make this perfect for just about anyone!
Joyce’s Fingerprints on Every Detail

Even if Joyce had restrained herself from over-decorating her home, she still made sure to include plenty of details. If you look on the wall to the right of the door, you can see a collection of family photos. As a 96-year-old woman, Joyce had authentic antique photographs of her parents. Isn’t that something?
Key Upgrades When Needed

Among the many minor details worth pointing out is the laundry area. Despite Joyce’s commitment to authenticity, she understood that it was important to keep certain aspects of her home more modernized. This gigantic laundry room features pretty much everything you’d need to get through your chores. Can you imagine a 22-year-old Joyce working in this laundry room?
Sellers Inspired By Location

As Joyce reflected on her life in the home, Carla and Gladys continued to rally buyers in order to come to a deal. While many buyers were inspired by Joyce’s story, the majority of them were interested in the home primarily due to its location. When Joyce had purchased the property alongside her husband, they had struck gold without knowing it.
Closing on a Deal

Eventually, the Spizzirri sisters were able to settle on a number that left both Joyce and her new buyer happy. With the sale officially complete, Joyce and the Spizzirri sisters were ready to depart. Despite the relatively short relationship that they had shared, Joyce and her realtors had accomplished something special.
More Than a Home

Even though Joyce couldn’t take the home with her, she had managed to live in a property that she had loved for her entire life. The Spizzirri sisters had made sure that Joyce was able to get the best price possible, and they also were instrumental in helping Joyce’s story go viral. Now that you have heard Joyce’s story, do you have one of your own?
Homeless Man Comes to the Rescue of Lost 1st Grader in Houston

A homeless man in Houston became an unexpected hero when he helped a lost 1st grader, who has special needs, find her way home. Six-year-old Serenity’s day took a scary turn when she disappeared during dismissal time from Lantrip Elementary School, located in Houston.
Serenity’s mother, Mercedes Polk, arrived at the school as usual to pick up her daughter, only to find no trace of her. School staff assured Polk that Serenity was somewhere on the premises, but as minutes turned into an hour, it became apparent that something was wrong. Determined to find her daughter, Polk began her search.
The assistant principal eventually guided Polk to a gas station a mile away from the school, where they found Serenity in a state of distress. The young girl, with tears in her eyes, recounted her attempt to find her family’s home, which is a 30-minute drive away. The situation left both mother and daughter shaken and terrified.
“Someone needs to be held accountable,” Polk expressed, reflecting the concern and fear any parent would feel in such a situation. The Houston Independent School District (HISD) acknowledged the incident and stated, “HISD is actively investigating the incident at Lantrip Elementary. Student safety is our top priority.”
However, amidst the distressing situation, a ray of hope emerged. Serenity pointed out a nearby homeless man, stating that he had come to her aid. Polk, acknowledging the homeless man’s role, said, “He did save her life. Something definitely would have happened to my baby. She could have got hit by a car, kidnapped, anything.”
This story sheds light on the importance of kindness and compassion, even in the most unexpected places. The homeless man’s selfless act underscores the idea that heroes can come from any background. The incident not only highlights the need for improved safety measures but also emphasizes the positive impact individuals can have when they extend a helping hand.
As the community reflects on this incident, it serves as a reminder that a simple act of kindness can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Serenity’s unexpected guardian angel reminds us all that compassion knows no boundaries, and that even in challenging circumstances, humanity and empathy prevail.
Baby Donkey Reunited with Mother After Kidnapping

In a heartwarming turn of events, a baby donkey named Moon has been reunited with her mother after a frightening two-week-long ordeal. Moon, who is only two months old, was taken from Miller’s Ark Animals in Hampshire, UK, causing distress to both the farm and Moon’s anxious mother. However, thanks to the combined efforts of the community and social media, Moon was located and safely returned to her loving home.
In the month of May, a devastating incident occurred at Miller’s Ark Animals when Moon, a precious baby donkey, was stolen from her home. The farm, which prides itself on its dedication to animal welfare and care, was shocked by the incident. Moon’s mother, Astra, was deeply distressed during the time Moon was away, as the two shared a strong bond, especially through nursing.
As soon as the news broke about Moon’s kidnapping, the team at Miller’s Ark Animals launched an extensive search effort to bring her back safely. They turned to social media, spreading the word about Moon’s disappearance and sharing her story. The posts quickly went viral, gaining thousands of shares and generating numerous tips and sightings from concerned individuals.
After two weeks of tireless searching and monitoring CCTV footage, the Miller’s Ark team received a breakthrough. Moon was discovered at an address in Buckinghamshire, a county located not too far from Hampshire. The farm was overjoyed and relieved by this positive outcome. The team quickly made arrangements to bring Moon back home to her loving family.
Upon Moon’s arrival back at Miller’s Ark, the atmosphere was filled with happiness and excitement. Moon, seemingly aware of the love and care surrounding her, displayed her joy by swishing her tail and eagerly seeking cuddles. The entire team was delighted to witness Moon’s contentment and well-being.
While Moon was away, her mother Astra faced challenges of her own. Without Moon’s nursing, Astra’s milk had dried up, causing further distress for the worried mother. However, the dedicated team at Miller’s Ark Animals immediately stepped in to help Moon and Astra reestablish their bond. Through careful guidance and support, they are assisting Moon’s transition from nursing to solid foods, ensuring her healthy growth and development.
Dog Rescued After Getting Stuck in an Arkansas Culvert Pipe

Dogs get themselves into the darnedest messes sometimes. Practically driven by their noses, dogs will follow things or smells into places they have no clue how to get out of. The normal reaction is to back up, but what happens if they go so far in, they can’t back up? That was the case for one canine who literally plugged up a drainage pipe.
Imagine being woken up by the racket of a backhoe grumbling its way into the Earth on the street next to you. That was the case for one neighborhood that found themselves looking out the window at a noisy racket first thing in the morning as the sun was coming up. Flashing fire engine lights also added to the mix, lighting the place up like a Christmas tree.
Bella Vista residents found themselves sitting in a front row seat watching a spectacle caused by a dog that went and wedged itself into a culvert pipe on one mild-mannered Bracknell Lane. More than likely, the dog was after something and was in such a hurry, it went head-first into the pipe without thinking about whether it could get through much less fit. So, once inside, the dumb dog got stuck and started whimpering and panicking up a storm. The dog’s owner was out early before the sun was up looking for his pet, heard the dog stuck, and called 911 for help. Firefighters arrived by 5am, and that’s when the circus started.
There was a bit of confusion at first when the fire engine arrived, as no one actually had a visual on the dog. As it turned out, the big puppy was deep inside the middle of the drainage pipe and wasn’t getting out anytime soon on his own power. That then meant the fire department had to enlist the aid of the town’s street department with earth-moving equipment.
Most times, dogs in a panicked state freak out badly and bite anyone near them trying to help or make contact. Instead, with a snack offered close by, the stuck dog was extremely cooperative and didn’t make a fuss as the firefighters worked to free it. On inspection, the pipe looked big enough for the young dog to make it through. However, deep in the middle, the weight of the ground had bent the channel tighter, and that’s where the canine got stuck.
Once rescued, the dog was back to normal, healthy and acting like nothing happened. Of course, the dog owner might have had a lecture or two about controlling his pet in the future as well as the cost of the rescue.
Coffin Builder Transformed Into Millionaire After Meteorite Crashes Into His Indonesia Home

Many people join long lines on a daily basis purchasing lottery tickets with the hope of being the lucky winner of some serious cash.
Others work tirelessly, but to no avail. However, for an Indonesian man, all he needed was a miracle from the sky, and he certainly received, albeit in a scary way.
A meteorite came crashing through his roof recently and in the blink of an eye, has transformed him into a millionaire.
The North Sumatraman who makes coffins for a living, has since sold the precious rock from the sky for Dh6,611,760.
When a meteorite that was recently sold for $1.8 million (Dh6,611,760) crashed through his roof, a humble coffin maker in Indonesia became an instant millionaire.
A meteorite worth about £1.4 million crashed through the roof of an Indonesian coffin maker’s house, making him a millionaire.
When the 2.1kg rock smashed through the tin veranda outside Josua Hutagalung’s living room, he was building on a coffin outside his house in the town of Kolang.
After getting over the shock of the noise, the 33-year-old dug into his garden soil and discovered the piece of space debris.
“The noise was so loud that it shook parts of the house. And after looking, I discovered that the house’s tin roof had collapsed,” he told Indonesia’s Kompas newspaper. “The stone was already warm when I raised it.”
Carbonaceous chondrite is an exceptionally rare form of meteorite that is believed to be 4.5 billion years old and worth about £645 per gram.
Mr Hutagalung told The Sun that he sold the meteor to US meteorite specialist Jared Collins, who then sold it to a US buyer, who is currently storing it at Arizona State University’s Centre for Meteorite Studies.
Even though the coffin maker has not specifically stated the exact purchase price, it is believed to be in the region of £1 million. Mr Hutagalung stated that he had saved enough money to retire and that he intends to establish a place of worship in his neighborhood.
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“I’ve really yearned to have a daughter, and I’m hoping this is a sign that I’ll be fortunate enough to have one now,” he said.
“My phone lit up with insane offers for me to jump on a flight and purchase the meteorite,” Mr Collins said. It was smack in the midst of the Covid crisis, and I couldn’t decide whether to buy the rock for myself or collaborate with scientists and dealers in the United States.
“I took as much cash as I could and went searching for Josua, who turns out to be a professional negotiator.”
The man who leads Indonesia’s National Aeronautics and Space Agency, Thomas Djamaluddin, explained to the press that such a big piece falling in a residential neighborhood was unusual. “The bulk of meteorites hit places far from human settlements, such as seas, forests, or deserts.”
The Shocking Realization She Gets After Spying On Hubby From Under The Bed
Trust is an essential factor in a marriage. Apart from a few partnerships, all unions should have a benchmark of integrity. If that doesn’t work, you can try, but it is still improbable.
An incident can spark a disdain between the two people, and the distrust can be strong enough to affect their relationship. When this wife began to lose faith in her hubby, she decided to test her hubby’s loyalty. She found out something she never wondered.